1. Getting Started

2. Enabling Browser third-party cookies

In order to use Priority Scoring Calculator, third-party cookies must be enabled. Please check your browser configuration.

For Microsoft Edge

For Chrome

For Safari

In the Safari app  on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, click Privacy, then do any of the following:

3. Authorizations and permissions required to use the plugin

By default, each user in the jira-administrators group can access to the plugin in the top toolbar of their Dashboard.

This default group configuration can be modified from the admin profile, on the Settings tab, in App Access Group.

Create issues project permission and  Browse users and groups permission are required to configure the plugin and edit values from the app page.

4. Installation and basic configuration

4. 1. Define the filter

For more information, please check this Atlassian Support Documentation : Save your search as a filter.

4. 2. Define the formula - configure Custom Fields

Please note that the definition of the formula is required to start scoring.

In order to use the default formula, custom fields must be created first in the app Settings tab.

4. 2. 1. Create Custom Field

4. 2. 2. Edit Custom Field

Select the desired Custom Field List and modify it by adding a new value or deleting an old one.

4. 2. 3. Add Custom Field in the formula

4. 2. 4. Delete Custom Field

Please check this Atlassian Support Documentation : Edit or delete a custom field.

Please note that only the administrator profile can delete Custom Fields.

4. 2. 5. Example of formulas

("Business Value" + "Time Criticality" + "Risk or Opportunity") / "Job Size" = "WSJF"

(“Reach” * “Impact“ * “Confidence“) / “Effort“= “RICE”

Please note that the custom fields used into the formula will be the ones that appear in the table on the Issues tab.

("Impact" * "Confidence" * "Ease" ) = "ICE"

5. Scoring the Issue

5.1 Scoring from the App

5. 1. 1. Filter list

5. 1. 2. Issue types displayed

Select all of the Issue types or select only one to display from: Task - Sub-task - Story - Bug - Epic.

5. 1. 3. Number of entries displayed

5. 1. 4. Search bar

5. 1. 5. Set columns

5. 1. 6. Open an Issue

Click on the Issue displayed in the Issue Key column to display it completely in another window and modify it if necessary.

5. 1. 7. Update values

Please note that you can easily add and modify the values directly from the table by clicking on the value field.

5.2 Scoring from Issue screen

Please note that it’s also possible to populate Issue Custom Field from the Issue screen.

For more information, please check this Atlassian Support Documentation : Configuring a custom field.

6. Formula configuration - Settings tab

6. 1. App access group

Please check the Authorizations-and-permissions-required-to-use-the-plugin part.

6. 2. Active filter

Please check how to define the filter.

Issues returned by the active filter must have their project formula equal to the active project formula.

6. 3. Active project

Among all your projects, select the one you want to work on.

6. 4. Formula scope

In this part, there are 2 possibilities:

6. 4. 1. Project Only

Please check the define the filter part.

6. 4. 2. Project And Issue Types

6. 5. Project formula

Please check how to define the formula.

6. 6. Apply to current project

Allows you to apply the formula to the active project.

6. 7. Apply to multiple project

This feature allows you viewing and scoring of multiple project issues on one screen only.

6. 7. 1. Using ‘Project Only’ with one formula

Note that the formula will be the same in the different projects you selected before.

Project 1

Project 2

6. 7. 2. Using ‘Project And Issue Types’ with two different formulas

Note that the formula will be the same in the different projects you selected before.

7. Display and sort issues

To be able to sort issues when editing from the plugin page, please check that Auto-update search results is set to ON in “Settings”, “System”, “General Configuration”.

Please also note that the Lucene indexer may takes some times to re-index the issue score, this could affect the sort results.

7.1 On your board

You can use your favorite Kanban board to visualize and follow up the scoring of your issues in order to prioritize them.

Customize your filter to retrieve Issues where the scoring result is not empty and then order by the scoring result desk.

JQL example : PROJECT = BUD and WSJF is not EMPTY order by WSJF desc

7.2 In-app

Please note that the app sorting system is based on JQL. If you try to sort custom fields of type numbers with empty values in the list, this can lead to unexpected behavior.

We suggest to customize your filter to retrieve Issues where the scoring result is not empty and then order by the scoring result desk.

JQL example : PROJECT = BUD and WSJF is not EMPTY

8. Troubleshooting

8.1 Unknown error popup while opening the app

This error may be triggered because you are trying to access the app with a different URL than your instance Base Url. Please go to your admin General configuration and check your Base Url.

8.2 Error popup : Error: active project may not exist

This issus is thrown if you don’t have access rights to the active project, or this project was deleted.
To solve this issue, go to the Settings tab and search for another project you have access to.

8.3 Calculation is not working while scoring from the issue view

This behavior is generally caused by a SSL mis-configuration on the server. This affect webhooks calls which are in charge of updating results.

Please have a look on that documentation to investigate the issue :



9. Need more help?

Please raise an issue in our Help Center in case of questions or to report a bug, we are here to support you.